Where Is Board Member Locke When District 9 Is Stealing Her District’s Sparkling Diamond?

ACSteere-exteriorNews came out today that the Gateway 3 and 4 year old classes will be moving from A.C. Steere; where they have been for nearly 20 years. This was shocking news to parents, as well as, employees.  Where are these young gifted classes going? We have been told to the unbearably overcrowded University Elementary School in District 9. Remember one of the main reasons we must vote yes for the CPSB bond on May 2nd is to relieve University that currently houses 926 students in a school with a maximum capacity of 928.   Many parents who have contacted us say, they are strongly considering enrolling their children in private schools if forced to leave the safety of A. C. Steere.  How did this come about?  One theory floating around is that the University Principal, Kasie Mainiero’s son is in the Gifted class and will be able to go where his mother is. But even this does not seem to be the real reason to move one of the best programs from District 8, to what has been described by School District Staff, a school that cannot adequately provide for its current enrollment. Parents and citizens are anxiously awaiting the justification of this upheaval to our smallest and brightest.


One thought on “Where Is Board Member Locke When District 9 Is Stealing Her District’s Sparkling Diamond?

  1. The kids who are in that program are in University’s district so they should be able to go to their neighborhood school just like everyone else. She is just trying to make her school better. Every principal should be fighting to get these programs in their schools.


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